Engines Away Page 2

SNBR visiting other railways page 2:

The SNBR visit to Frimley 2002.

The SNBR visited Frimley in the summer of 2002. This model engineering club have a very pretty multi gauge line running through woods and in places next to some grass land. the line is about 3/4 miles long and is fully signalled. The railway has a long section where it is mainlined. The SNBR took down 3 engines. Mallard, Rover and a 5" Maxitrax engine owned by a member. The only disaster was that Mallard would not steam off the coal supplied and needed a brew up everytime she reached the station.

Sir Goss also visited some railways over 2002 for her 21st birthday. For info and pictures please go to Sir Goss at 21.

The 47 and Mallard also took a trip to the BCLR in Sussex and here are the pictures of this trip.

The 47 arriving back at Lakes Junction

The Mallard exploring the Woods.

The A4 leaving Lakes Junction at BCLR.